H.E.A.T. Bristol Fleece 28-01-25


First up to a decent Tuesday night crowd was Chez Kane and her band who played a bright and breezy 40 minute set of polished heavy melodic rock. Her band included Tyketto guitarist Harry Scott Elliott and Chez impressed with her melodic tones all over Too Late For Love,Ball N'Chain, Rocket On The Radio and set closer Powerzone.

Weirdly Chez got a 40 minute slot where as next up Art Nation only got 28 minutes.

I had been looking forward to seeing Alexander Strandell on vocals who is also in the band Crowne with H.E.A.T.'s Jona Tee and sadly on the first track Brutal And Beautiful that's all we did as his microphone was off !! After being told at the end of the song he said well it was an instrumental !!

Recent singles Thunderball and Set Me Free showed off Christoffer Borg guitar talents and Alex stalked the stage and his vast vocal range in full audio.
Only 28 minutes and 6 songs certainly left me wanting more.

To the familiar sound of Glenn Frey's The Heat Is On as the lights dimmed and for 80 minutes Bristol was treated to one of the worlds best live acts in all their glory live in your face.

For 80 minutes H.E.A.T. played a set that encapsulated their career.

Disaster (Live Debut)
Dangerous Ground
Harder To Breathe
In And Out Of Trouble
Beg Beg Beg with part of Black Sabbath's War Pigs
Drum solo
Back To The Rhythm 
Living On The Run
Straight For Your Heart
Bad Time For Love (Live Debut)
1000 Miles
One By One
Tearing Down The Walls

H.E.A.T. released new single Disaster last week and announced new album Welcome To The Future out on April 25th on earMUSIC and this was the song's live debut and anticipation grew as Jona played the 80's style keyboard intro.

From the crowd response on it's first showing we have a live favourite already as the crowd sang the chorus back to the band after only a few days listening and Dave Dalone's guitar solo was short and fiery.

Kenny Leckremo on vocals had the look of Powerslave era Bruce Dickinson with his long hair ,sprayed on black shiny pants and boxing boots and his vocals soared to the stratosphere and back and the huge grin on his face never left him.

For a first night of tour the band were already firing on all cylinders as the band hit us with huge chorus after huge chorus with Kenny at the stage edge at all times. The backing vocals from Crash on drums , Jimmy Jay on bass and Jona Tee on keyboards are all exemplary and on point.

Kenny has a vast range and some of his held notes showed his vocal prowess and he is a great frontman imploring the crowd to give their all which they did.

Emergency was fantastic full of H.E.A.T. energy and Rise was greeted like a long lost friend.

Harder To Breathe was an unexpected delight with a slight slowing in pace but no less power from Kenny or the band and loved the Kenny vocal outro showing off all of his range high to low.

A nice touch was playing their first ever single Straight For Your Heart which was a joy and then followed it with the debut live playing of a new studio track Bad Time For Love which no one had ever heard before. It's big chorus shows an album gem to look forward to in April.

Set closer Tearing Down The Walls had a mass crowd singalong and everywhere you looked huge grins from band and crowd alike.

H.E.A.T. are a wonderful band and on the live stage there are very few to match them and with a new album and tour launched watch them soar.

Photos used with thanks and credited to Richard Bolwell.

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